Gerome the Gnome
Box 22022Westpark Post Office
Red Deer, Alberta
T4N 6X4
Tel: 403-352-1865
Hi everyone. I’m Gerome the Gnome. The Official Mascot for Alberta On-Line!
Book Gerome for a visit! I'll take pictures, we'll have fun! You'll be glad you called! Contact me at or 403-352-1371
Gerome's Story: For years I had been forced to spend my days as a lowly garden gnome; sitting all day, every day, in the front flower bed of an unassuming house, on a non-descript street, in an obscure neighborhood of Red Deer, Alberta. I always had dreams of travelling the world, meeting people and spreading fun and happiness. For years, all I did was languish in the flower bed – pretty much forgotten. As time went on and the years passed, my limited view of the world became obscured by weeds and grass that grew up around me. One day FATE and DESTINY came calling to my weed covered part of the world. My current handler had noticed me as he was walking his dogs, recognized my potential as an ambassador of fun and happiness and set out to rescue me from my pathetic existence. He traded a garden frog for me. A frog... really ... I was traded for a FROG! Oh the humiliation! Kind of like being traded for a fourth round draft pick! As it turned out, it was a brilliant trade. The frog and I are much happier with our current places in the universe. The frog loves his quiet life in the weeds and grass-choked flower bed. The more overgrown it becomes the happier he is. I am now happier beyond descriptiion. I get to travel everywhere! I get to see amazing sights! I get to take part in amazing events! I meet all sorts of fun and interesting people! I am having more fun than should be legal for a gnome! The best part is that I get to share all of these amazing life experiences with the rest of the world through my pictures and my stories! All the stories are true! Really!!!
For those scientific geeks out there: Genus – Gnome Species – Havenous funtravelous
Why haven't you called yet? I'll take pictures, we'll have fun! You'll be glad you called! Contact me at or 403-352-1865